International Journal of Educational Best Practices (IJEBP) is a peer-reviewed academic journal of studies in educational issues, both theories and practices, published biannually by the School of Postgraduate Studies of Universitas Riau, Indonesia, every April and October. The journal prioritizes research reports on educational theories and practices. However, viewpoint and conceptual articles in the field of education will also be considered for publication.
Authors must register to this journal before submitting their work, and they must follow the Author Guidelines of the journal. Failure to comply with the guidelines may lead to immediate rejection of the submission. Please submit your article through the online submission of this journal. You may address further inquiries to the editor at
This journal has a policy of “Zero Tolerance on Plagiarism”. We recommend that authors check their articles with plagiarism-prevention tools (,, etc.) before submission.
We are pleased to announce that the International Journal of Educational Practices (IJEBP) has been successfully accredited by the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education of Republic Indonesia, categorized as SINTA 3, starting 7 December 2022. The decision has been mentioned in SK Number 225/E/KPT/2022.
We would like to extend our gratitude to all editors, reviewers, authors, and readers who have provided support for this journal. Our gratitude also goes to the rector of Universitas Riau for supporting IJEBP.
Afrianto Daud, Ph.D
Editor in Chief
This journal has been indexed by:
Vol 8, No 1 (2024)
Table of Contents
Gotlhe K More-Keddy, Kofi Nkonkonya Mpuangnan, Christopher Dick-Sagoe, Zukiswa Roboji
Farida Farida, Indah Tri Purwanti, Eliwarti Eliwarti
Sussi Nurvianti, Dwi Riyanti, Clarry Sada
Syadza Adila Putri, Hadriana Hadriana, Eliwarti Eliwarti
Alexandros Pichas
Romadina Permatasari, Suarman Suarman, Gimin Gimin
Harrison James Spratling
Jamela Masingi, Samuel Khoza
Eka Damayanti, Supriusman Supriusman, Fadly Azhar
Suripah Suripah, Indah Febiola